Ill Child Policy
- You must keep your child home if exhibiting symptoms of: cold, sore throat, inflammation of eyes, fever (100.4 degrees or above), rash, vomiting, diarrhea, or other signs of illness. Please plan an alternate arrangement for you child in the event of illness. ill_child_policy.pdf
- Staff will be alert to symptoms of illness and will place ill children in temporary isolation under their supervision. You will be contacted and expected to remove your child promptly to minimize the spread of illness to other children. If symptoms persist, the child will not be allowed to re-enter the Center until he/she is free of symptoms or the Center has received information from the child's physician stating that the child is treated and is no longer contagious.
- Medication may be administered to children if you complete a list of dosage, times to be given, date, and your signature. All medication must be in the original container labeled with your doctor's name, dosage and type of medication. Prescription medication must list the doctor's name.
- Medication Log - A log is maintained which details all medication administered and all injuries to children, with treatments given for any injuries. This log is available to you upon request.